29 Sep Resuinsa helps for hotels in Central America, the USA and the Caribbean after the latest natural disasters
Resuinsa, an international company specializing in linens for hotels and restaurants, is facilitating goods for those hotel establishments in Mexico, the USA and the Caribbean which were affected by the earthquake and by the passing of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. In this way they can obtain supplies of the products they need in a much more economical way after the devastation wrought by these weather phenomena.
Moreover, the Spanish company worked with an American local NGO to which it delivered sheets and towels to alleviate the most urgent needs in this area, especially in Texas and Florida.
It should be recalled that Resuinsa operates in the USA in more than 50 hotels since its introduction into the American market five years ago. In concrete terms, Charleston (South Carolina) is the city where the Spanish company has set up its headquarters in the USA.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Resuinsa recently obtained the STeP certification, which involves a comprehensive analysis of six areas, among them corporate social responsibility. “This affects our entire business and it includes the environmental impacts by our activity as well as the social and economic ones. At Resuinsa, we do not hesitate to help those establishments that need it most when there is a natural disaster”, explains general manager Félix Martí.
For some time now, the company has carried out actions related to this field, such as the Code of Conduct and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which reflects all the required criteria for complying with national and international labour standards and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, among other international norms.